Child Care Provider Forms

Below are a series of sample forms and documents that will make it easier to comply with the requirements of the rules for operating a program, enrolling children, and employing child care staff. The last section contains helpful information regarding such topics as immunization, weather conditions, and illnesses; it also contains resources that may be helpful in providing quality child care, including contacts with other agencies and services in the state if Maine or on the national level.

Disclaimer: The forms and documents made available on this site will meet the minimum requirements established in rule, if they are adopted as drafted. Providers may choose to expand the content to meet the needs of their services and are encouraged to personalize them by adding program names, logos, and/or policies and procedures. Otherwise deleting and/or altering the content of these forms may have the result that they are no longer compliant with the rules.

Sample Program Forms

Sample Child Record Forms

Sample Child Care Staff Member Forms

Information and Resources