Available DDD Services & Supports

The Division provides supports and services based upon need, state and/or federal guidelines, member eligibility and the availability of funds. Most services to children and adults with developmental disabilities are delivered at home and in community-based settings.

Support Coordination (Case Management)

Support Coordinators facilitate a person-centered approach to maximize member and family self-determination, while promoting the values of dignity, independence, individuality, privacy and choice.

The Support Coordinator supports the member by:

Additional Services & Supports

The Division offers additional services and supports designed to help members lead self-directed, healthy and meaningful lives. These services are provided to members eligible for the Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS). As part of person-centered service plan (PCSP), each members' Support Coordinator will identify member service needs that will be evaluated for medical necessity. Services are re-evaluated at every PCSP planning meeting to ensure continued medical necessity. Below is a list of services members may qualify for based on funding availability and medical necessity.

Day Support Services

Day Treatment and Training Services (Day Programs) provide training, supervision, and activities to a member to develop skills. This service is primarily offered in a community setting. It is intended to help members learn safety skills and socialize. Day Programs are available through DDD or local community resources and may include volunteer opportunities for members such as participation in a local senior activity.

Employment Services

In November 2017, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed an Executive Order making Arizona an Employment First state. This Executive Order highlighted the need for greater opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities to find employment allowing them to increase their self-sufficiency.

The Division of Developmental Disabilities offers various employment supports and services to members that enable them to gain the skills necessary to obtain and retain employment.

Home Health Aide

The Home Health Aide provides medically necessary health maintenance, continued treatment, or monitoring of health conditions in the person’s home. Services may include assistance with activities of daily living. A Home Health Aide serves as an assistant to the primary caregiver. The aide works under the supervision of a registered nurse, and follows a prescribed plan of care that is based on the person’s medical condition.

Home Modifications

Some people who are eligible for ALTCS may receive some types of home modifications. These modifications remove barriers, making it easier for individuals to be more independent in their homes. This service covers only modifications to an existing structure. It does not cover additions to the home. Modifications can be made to individually or family-owned homes where the person with a disability resides. If the home is rented, the owner must give written consent to modify the home. The owner may require that the renter restore the premises to the condition that existed prior to the modification.

Home Nursing

Skilled nursing services are provided in the person’s home. Services may include care related to a specific condition or coordination of medical services. It may also include accessing other medical services. The nurse follows a prescribed plan of care that is based on the person’s medical condition. Education about medical needs and supports may be provided.

Housing Opportunities

The Division of Developmental Disabilities has partnered with County, State, and Federal housing authorities to offer qualified members limited affordable housing opportunities.

In-Home Support Services

Medallion Program

The purpose of the Medallion Program is to provider individual safety and protection during emergencies. The Medallion gives First Responders a 24-hour phone number to call. This helps to assist people during emergencies.

Key Features

Examples of medallion program options, wrist bracelet and shoe tag.

How It Works:

For more information, members should contact their Support Coordinator or the Customer Service Center, toll-free at 1-844-770-9500 or via email at [email protected] .

Residential Support Services

Independent Living Option

Licensed Homes